
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Frozen Assets

There was a marvelous testimony from Friday night’s prayer meeting.

Before we got down to the business of praying, there was the usual ice-breaker-getting-to-know-you-a-little-better part of the evening to get through. We were not required to come up with something “whacky” this time – just a little bit about yourself and a testimony. I spoke about our monthly prayer meetings at work. I think it is wonderful that there are people that want to meet together to pray. I found myself hurrying at lunchtime to be there. I rarely hurry anywhere! I amble. I was visiting a friend last week who owns a very interesting croft (small farm) on the outskirts of Inverness. He took me on a tour of the place. He doesn’t amble but strides out. I had a hard time keeping up.

The lady sitting near me was talking about the faithfulness of God. It had been some time ago – years rather than months or weeks. They were struggling financially and it was a definite Old Mother Hubbard scenario. The cupboards were bare. They were down to a last packet of fish fingers and a bag of frozen peas. They had a few days to go till pay day and there was no way they were going to make it through.

She prayed to God about the situation, asking for just five pounds. That was all she needed to get them through the next few days. Just five pounds!

“Use what you have,” God replied.

She dug out the fish fingers and stuck them under the grill, took out a pan to tip the peas into.

In among the peas was a small cellophane wrapper. She pulled it out and took a good look at it. Un-wrapping the cellophane, she unfolded a £5 note.

On the packet of the peas – it was one of those promotional things – “Are you a lucky winner?” Inside some of the packets of peas the manufacturers had hidden £5 notes and £10 notes and £20 – as they do occasionally to get people to buy their produce.

She had asked for £5 and that is what she received!

It kind of reminds you of Jesus being asked to pay his taxes. Having no money on him, he sent one of his followers to catch a fish. Inside its mouth was a coin. It was just what the tax man was looking for! God is faithful – even with the little things that we ask for.

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