The Raven
The raven dressed in dapper black attire
Takes to the wing in dizzying display
He flicks and flips always climbing higher
And dances in an aerial ballet
Vaunting his plumage dark beneath the sun
Above the naked bones of winter trees
His choreography a poem spun
That nourishes the heart of she who sees
He has no music in his voice to sing
No notes, no melody to win her heart
He scribes his love note with each shifting wing
Boldly declaring they will never part
Long ago years they met and they mated
A bond of commitment they created
Built nests and laid eggs, nurtured their offspring
Thus celebrating - he takes to the wing
The "bird behaviour" article is about spring aerial displays and setting up territories and singing love songs across the wood to attract a missus.
In amongst them all are the ravens. The blurb reads, "Ravens pair for life, so their displays are aimed at nourishing an already established relationship." I am sure there are quite a few species that pair for life and we all go "Ahhhh". "For life" means they stay together when his feathers go grey and her waistline expands a little.
I loved the idea of the male raven doing his aerial acrobatics not to impress a younger bird (note that I used the word "bird" in its correct context!) but to honour the one he has paired with.
We could learn something from the ravens.
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