It’s the hole of negative thinking! It just took me by surprise. It’s not an easy hole to climb out of. The sides are very slippery and sometimes the
hole is very deep. Not much sunlight
reaches the bottom.
I won’t bore you with a detailed description about the
downward spiral of my thinking. My
thoughts are probably not your thoughts.
What trips me up probably doesn’t stick out its foot to trip you up. Sometimes I do that ENVY thing and think of
all the things I don’t have that someone else does have and perhaps doesn’t
deserve to have. The list is a long one.
I didn’t hit the bottom of the hole. Maybe God tossed a
rope in or something. I was aware that I
didn’t have to reach the bottom before I could start hauling myself out. I
could stop sliding into the hole of negative thinking by bringing to mind all
of the things that I did have, regardless of whether someone else also had it. Whether
they deserved it or not was irrelevant – I know that I didn’t deserve it.
God’s mercies are new every morning! His grace is poured
into my life with absurd abundance! It was not enough just to list the mercies
or point out the grace in my life but to be grateful and to say thank you for
“…let us draw near
to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings,
having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having
our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22
What a precious gift I have! Jesus has dealt with all the separates me
from God. I can draw near to God
confident that there isn’t a lightning bolt headed my way – not even when my
actions fall desperately short of what pleases Him.
“Let us hold
unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews
The enemy has a quick hand and snatches the hope we have
and steals the promises God gives if we do not hold them tightly. Better to claim them that to leave them to
lie forgotten in some dusty corner of our hearts and minds.
“And let us
consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24
How much better to stop worrying about we have or do not
have and do something to ensure that someone else has what they need for life!
Turning our gaze outward happens properly when we have turned out gaze first
upward to God.
I love the order of these truths in Hebrews. Drawing near to God is the priority. It’s
through drawing near to God that we find a more confident understanding of the
hope we profess. He speaks His promises
to us and we share what we know of God with other people, not merely talking a
good talk, but walking a good walk.
I am not the only one who falls into holes. We all do.
Part of walking a good walk is about seeing people and the holes they
fall into and doing something to help.
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