Standing under the spoken word of scripture is such a
powerful thing. Not needing to see the words, shape them in my mind or sound
them out and then onto the next one – hearing it read, being the audience to
the words, not the writer or the reader, does something to the spirit rather
than the mind.
This morning, into the last few days of my Lent book, the
focus was on suffering. There’s nothing noble about suffering. It’s evil. Yes,
it can draw out strength in some, but it can pull other people apart. What we
end up suffering for is often our own personal kingdoms being threatened.
Jesus read the words of Isaiah – to bring good news to
the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to the blind new sight, to
set the downtrodden free – Jesus lived the words and in so living made enemies
with the religious elite. They were content to allow the poor to stay poor because
it suited them. “To keep quiet in the face of injustice and oppression, doing
nothing to oppose it is a refusal to enter into the passion of Christ.”
The devotional ended with the words of Latin prayer “Anima Christi”. I don’t know Latin but I can guess that “anima” is something to do
with animation and giving life to something. I choose to think is about the
life of Christ in me. This is a
contemporary version.
I choose to
breathe the breath of Christ
that makes all life holy.
I choose to live
the flesh of Christ
that outlasts sin’s corrosion and decay.
I choose the blood
of Christ
along my veins and in my heart
that dizzies me with joy.
I choose the
living waters flowing from his side
to wash and clean my own self and the world
I choose the awful
agony of Christ
to charge my senseless sorrows with meaning
and to make my pain pregnant with power.
I choose you, good
Jesus, you know.
I choose you, good
count me among the victories
that you have won in bitter wounded-ness.
Never number me
among those alien to you.
Make me safe from
all that seeks to destroy me.
Summon me to come
to you.
Stand me solid
among angels and saints
chanting yes to all you have done,
exulting in all you mean to do forever and
Then for this
time, Father of all,
keep me, from the core of my self,
choosing Christ in the world. Amen.
– Joseph Tetlow SJ
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